Fondos De Pantalla Apple
Fondos De Pantalla Apple. Ver más ideas sobre fondo de pantalla de manzana, iphone fondos de pantalla, logo de. Las imágenes son para uso personal y no comercial.
Fresh apples are an excellent snack. They are high in flavonoids that are antioxidants and help to prevent heart disease, but it is important to eat the skin. Increased lipid peroxidation is one essential factor to reduce the risk of numerous heart-related problems. Recent research has proven quercetin's contents in apples also provides cardio-vascular system benefits.
When the natural fibers found that is found in apples ferments in the colon, it generates chemicals which help in the fight against the formation of cancerous cells, as revealed by recent research conducted by Germany. Another study has revealed that an antioxidant in apples, called procyanidins. They triggered an series of signals from cells that killed cancer cells. Researchers from Cornell University have identified several tri-terpenoids, or compounds, in apple skin which have powerful anti-growth properties against cancerous cells in the colon, breast and liver. They have previously discovered that extracts from whole apples can diminish the number and size of mammary tumors in rats.
Apples, among the most popular fruits across everywhere, are widely available in virtually every part of the globe. The various varieties of apples include; green apples, red apples, or yellow ones. Because of their ruby red bodies, red apples look appealing and exotic. They are more well-known in comparison to yellow and green apples. Since the beginning of time the apple has been believed to prevent many ailments. Rich in anti-inflammatory vitamins and antioxidants, apples remain among the top fruits for your health hence the famous saying "An apple a day keeps the doctor away. "
Researchers have confirmed that the apple has more than its pretty appearance and delicious taste. The seeds aside, which can be detrimental to certain consumers, all apple products, including the skin have been proven to be safe to be consumed by humans. According to research conducted by the Department of Agriculture in the United States, a typical apple that weighs 250 grams contains around 126 calories. In addition, apples contain vitamin C and dietary fibers.
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